
WindEurope 2024 It was a great experience to participate in the WindEurope 2024 annual event in Bilbao in the Basque Country,

where we were proud to be part of the GRI Renewable Industries stand, together with Iraeta Forgings and GRI Reducel. It was an incredible opportunity to showcase our investment and connect with industry leaders.

But that’s not all! We had the privilege of being part of the European Offshore main markets event organized by the Cluster de Energía | Basque Energy Cluster and Basque Trade & Investment / Agencia Vasca de Internacionalización.
CEO of Baltic Towers, Jakub Wnuczyński, had the honor of serving as a panelist, presenting our investment and providing insights from an industrial perspective of the sector.

We’re grateful for these experiences and the chance to connect with so many inspiring individuals and organizations.

It was truly a pleasure to meet each and every one of you, and we hope to see you next year!